Strawberry  Cream Cheese Icebox Cake

My super simple Strawberry Cream Cheese Icebox Cake is the no-bake strawberry dessert of your dreams. Made by layering graham crackers, cheesecake mousse, and macerated berries, this light and dreamy 10-ingredient no-bake strawberry delight is the perfect end to any meal.

Ingredients Cream Cheese Powdered Sugar Vanilla Paste Vanilla Extract Lemon Zest Salt Heavy Cream Strawberries Sumac Graham Crackers

Make cream cheese mousse.

The mousse should be strained for 16-24 hours for the best, thickest consistency.

Macerate berries. Mix strawberries, powdered sugar, and salt in a mixing bowl. Set aside for 10 minutes.

Line the bottom and sides of the loaf tin with graham crackers.

Add about ¼ of the cream cheese mousse. Add ¼ of the strawberries evenly over the cream cheese.

Add a layer of graham crackers. Complete Assembly. Continue alternating mousse, strawberries, and graham crackers. Finish with a layer of mousse and strawberries on top.

Chill. Wrap the assembled strawberry cheesecake icebox cake tightly with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.



Meet Ashley

I'm here to share my best time saving tips, money saving tricks and store bought grocery hacks to make being the CFO (Chief Food Officer) of your family a little easier. All of my recipes are designed for real, busy people - like you! - who want to eat healthy, homemade food on a tight budget. I can't wait to see you in the kitchen!